商品情報 ★


貝の光沢が美しい帯留 丸みがあってころんとした雰囲気がかわいらしいです 白と青の格子の幾何学がおしゃれ 邪魔することなくいろいろなお着物浴衣に合わせられるお品です ★


新品未使用品 ★


飾り 幅2.5 裏の金具帯締めを通す部分:1.3 ※モニターの違いにより実際の色目と異なる場合がございます Although it is overseas shipping, goods over 3000 yen will be free shipping if SAL flights (up to 2 kg)Some countries can not deliver by SAL flightAt that time it will be EMS but EMS flights will cost extraSAL flight is to it takes 2 to 5 weeks todeliver to you, but sometimes it can take 6 weeks.************************************************** **********************Kimonomtfuji has tracking function & security even in SAL flights************************************************** * ***********************If you prefer faster and safer delivery, we recommend EMS.*** Additional charge will be charged for EMS ***EMS is the fastest airmail with insurance.Items are delivered approximate 3-6 days after shipping.We strongly recommend the EMS shipping method, as it includes order tracking.************************************************** * ***********************


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